UGK Unternehmensgruppe Kapur
Consulting, service, education, trade and social affairs
IIOP Institute for Innovative Psychology
and Applied Oktral Psychology
GEDS General Enterprise Data Systems
develops data and software systems
IFE Institute for Energology
does scientific research
PMS Personal Masters Systems
develops regenerative economic
and organisation systems
SHL Sonja Herzog-Lang • Vitale Organisations
provides development of organisations and personnel
HC Hannover Consulting
offers sustainable development , human resource development and human resource management
VHE Verlag • Handel • Energie
vends media and products
KDE-IC Finanzen & Investment
International Consultancy for Finance and Investment
ZGW Zukunft Gestalten Wir e.V.
non-profit and socially operating
ZGW Zeit-, Geist- und Wesensanalytik Schweiz
non-profit and socially operating
ATE Aktuell - Terra - Energologie
Aktuelle Ereignisse im Weltgeschehen aufgenommen und aus der Wissenschaft der Energologie kommentiert
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